Iā€™m currently a final year Ph.D. candidate at CSE department, HKUST. Iā€™m very fortunate and honored to work under the supervision of Prof. Shuai Wang. During my Ph.D. journey, I also spent a wonderful year at ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. Zhendong Su. Before joining HKUST, I received my B.S. from Fudan University.

My research aims to comprehensively harden and secure modern AI systems. I pursue this goal primarily from the software and hardware perspectives.

E-mail: yyuanaq [at] cse.ust.hk

Education & Experience

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Sep. 2020 - present.
  • Visiting Researcher. AST lab, ETH Zurich. Sep. 2022 - Sep. 2023.
  • B.S. in Computer Science. Fudan University. Sep. 2016 - July 2020.

Academic Services

  • Program Committee: USENIX Security 2023 (Artifact Evaluation), OSDI 2022 and USENIX ATC 2022 (Artifact Evaluation), ISSTA 2022 (Artifact Evaluation).

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant: COMP3632: Principles of Cybersecurity. HKUST, Fall 2021.
  • Teaching Assistant: COMP3632: Principles of Cybersecurity. HKUST, Spring 2021.
  • Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Computer System. Fudan University, Fall 2018.

Last updated: 5 July 2024